Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 1 Episode 22
Kudus Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Season 1 Episode 22 Sultan Nureddin captures and punishes his treacherous brother, Mevdud, but spares his life due to their mother, Kutlu Hatun’s, intervention. With Karategin’s support, Saladin seizes Damascus and executes Avram for his crimes. Dolat, furious at Saladin’s victory and Karategin’s assistance, plans to retaliate by bringing an army from Anatolia, led by his son Iltutmish, to strengthen his hold in Zengi Lands. This tension strains Dolat’s relationship with Nureddin. Seizing this conflict, Bernard enacts a plan to deepen hostilities between the Zengi and Seljuk states, aiming to ally with Dolat. The unfolding conflict raises critical questions: Can Nureddin counter Dolat’s war declaration? Will Kutlu Hatun’s influence shift palace dynamics? Can Saladin outmaneuver Bernard and quell the brewing discord between the Seljuk and Zengi states while advancing towards Gaza?