Yamaç will make a hard decision when he finds himself in an unexpected situation and will bring a guest to the Kocovalıs’ house. The things that will happen between Azer…
The surprising events will set up a big face-off between Yamaç, Selim and Akın. Akın is shocked at Yamaç’s words which cause him to separate from his family, as well…
A mysterious person saves Yamaç from Azer, Akın and Alligator’s attack. Thinking that Yamaç is dead Azer will make a move to destroy the remaining Koçovalıs. We will be curious…
Yamaç’s return to The Pit will be greeted with excitement and cheers. Akın will try to stay calm but will make a plan that will arouse curiosity. Cumali will avenge…
Yamaç will go after his enemies and he will also face Baykal’s daughter Efsun. Yamaç’s avenging plans will be highly anticipated while the unexpected moments he will share with Efsun…